You're Out of Order, the Both of You!
Man sues himself for vehicle damage - Peculiar Postings -

"When a dump truck backed into Curtis Gokey's car, he decided to sue the city for damages. Only thing is, he was the one driving the dump truck.
But that minor detail didn't stop Gokey, a Lodi city employee, from filing a $3,600 claim for the December accident, even after admitting the crash was his fault."
I hope he's got two good lawyers. Of course, if he's representing himself I see a major conflict of interest. At any rate, I'd like to see him win because that idiot who backed into his car shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.
What is this world coming to when idiots like that!...ahh...never mind.
Hmmm...[Note to self: Get a job with the city, park on a hill using a city car, forget to use the parking break, jump in front of car when it starts to roll down hill, run self over, sue city because employee exhibited reckless parking...this just might work. BRILLIANT!!]
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