Soft Drinks For Everyone!
Artificial Sweetener Cleared of Cancer Link

A huge federal study in people — not rats — takes the fizz out of arguments that the diet soda sweetener aspartame might raise the risk of cancer.
No increased risk was seen even among people who gulped down many artificially sweetened drinks a day, said researchers who studied the diets of more than half a million older Americans.
I knew they were innocent all along! I can just see the headlines in tomorrow's newspapers: "Diet Coke acquitted, Pepsi Free!".
This of course puts the kibosh on my plans to get rich selling "Free Coke" t-shirts, but at least justice was served.
If you sell "Free Coke" t-shirts, people will think you're avertising, not protesting!
If you sell "Free Coke" t-shirts, people will think you're avertising, not protesting!
In response to your first comment, I really don't think so.
In response to your second comment, you might be right.
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