Accoutrements: Say It, It's Fun!

Has there ever been a more pompous word? It truly seems to revel in its pompousity. Just look at it! All french and junk. Where does it get off!?! And I'm not even going to get into the nerve it has for having TWO versions of itself (yes, there is another!).
But I must admit to something. I actually enjoy saying the word. Doubly so when I throw a french accent onto it. In fact, now that I've mentioned it, I would say I'm fairly sure (dare I say certain) that you will be thinking about this word for quite some time now too. My advice: don't fight it.
I've come to accept my love/hate relationship with the word ACCOUTREMENTS and there's no reason why you can't enjoy saying it as well, while also despising everything it stands for. I challenge you to work this word into every conversation you have because it can be quite difficult to do (yet also very rewarding when done seamlessly). I'll give you a simple sentence to start you off:
"We can't cook out today without the proper ACCOUTREMENTS."
Some of you may actually be planning to have a barbecue in the near future, if so feel free to use this. But please, whatever you do, don't limit your use of the word to outdoor feasts. There are so many more possibilites waiting to be discovered. Just say the word ACCOUTREMENTS and I promise that you will feel a vitality you haven't felt in a very long time...
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