Where Art Thou?

Here's the homepage of an unusual artist. His name is Georges Adrien Vernissage and his medium of choice happens to be Gnome. That unto itself isn't so different (even Da Vinci was known to dabble in elves once in a while), it's what he does with them that is quite unique. It's clear that there are statements being made by each of these works. Fortunately, I minored in Art Interpretation in college, therefore I am more than qualified to analyze a few of Monsieur Vernissage's pieces for you.

In summary, after a closer look, I would have to say that Mr. Vernissage's technique is very flawed. He seems to paint every Gnome with too broad a brush (but that's a technical detail that I wouldn't have expected you to pick up on). If you're interested in purchasing a "Vernissage", I would recommend that you consider buying your own Gnome, a frame and some cloth material from Michaels and letting your kid (or niece, nephew, neighbor kid, etc.) have a go at making you a "statement" piece first. As an expert, I can honestly say that you won't know the difference.
This piece, entitled "Old Fashion Army", has a simple message - Gnomes make great soldiers. Why aren't we using them?

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