Thursday, October 20, 2005

Starved For Attention

Damn Funny Pictures - Cool Pictures - Plant Growing On His Head

As a kid, I remember seeing a commercial for the famous Ginsu Knife that claimed "In Japan, the hand is used as a knife". It seems that these days in Japan the head is used as a flower pot (It makes one wonder if the Japanese use any body part as it's truly meant to be used, but I digress). That's the only explanation one can arrive at when looking at this website which, among other things, has pictures of a Japanese man with seeds planted in his hair and follow-up shots of the resulting green growth.

One might initially assume that this is some type of scientific experiment as the seeds are shown planted in the hair:

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The results are quite amazing. A botanist's dream perhaps:

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Then you see the guy at the center of the "experiment" and all scientific value goes right out the window:

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I hear that for their next experiment, they'll produce a head of lettuce.


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