Welcome to My World!

Okay, the truth is I'm not your father (but then you're not exactly Superman either you know). I'd still like to be a part of your life though if that's okay. You don't have to call me dad or anything, but maybe I could come by and pick you up every other weekend and we could fly kites in the park or something, you know, like a real broken family might do. I could drop you off and argue with your mother about why the child support checks are late and you could sit under the kitchen table with your fingers in your ears as you rock back and forth while singing to yourself. What do ya say?
No? How about this then, I'll just write this blog and you can keep coming back to read it? Good. I knew we could come to an agreement that was amicable to the both of us. I'll have my lawyer draw up the papers ASAP.
Now that we've gotten past all the tough negotiating, allow me to explain what it is exactly that I'm doing here. For almost a year now I have been using a cool program called StumbleUpon which allows you to review websites based on a thumbs up or thumbs down system, even allowing you to add your own written reviews with actual words comprised of letters and everything! I have written many such reviews and decided to port them over to this, a more "proper" blog, which of course means that you have a lot of catching up to do.
So what will you find at Planet Zahgon? Primarily my comedic take on websites, news stories, movies and life in general. But look a little deeper and you may find something else. Your soul. Sorry, I got carried away there. You won't find your soul, but all the other stuff I mentioned is really here. Just to warn you though, I've been called "comprehensive" by a few people, "bonkers" by some and "weird" by others. Truth be told, I'm all of those things and less. Much, much less. So I invite you to read Planet Zahgon for yourself (or even for a friend) and you'll no doubt have a few names to call me as well. And that's level!
You jerk! Mom wants to know why she's not getting her alimony checks again. Oh...BTW, I'm up for bowling this weekend, like you suggested. Are you gonna pick me up at the usual time? Thanks dad.
Bowling? What, do you think I'm made of money?!?
Typical. I should've know you would back out again. Mom always said, don't play ball in the house. You're nothing but a deadbeat dad.
Hilarious blog, man!!!
W00t to Planet Zahgon!!! I agree with Mr. Anonymous, some hilarious shiznat up in here! Keep bringing the funny, Zahgon! :D
Scott: I hate you and all that you stand for.
Thanks to "anonymous". I see that you like the blog, but not enough to have your real name associated with it in any way. Hey, I can dig :)
Thanks to "Keith". I see that you like the blog, but not enough to have your real name associated with it in any way. Hey, I can dig :)
How did you know?
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