My Day Job
Monkey training for organ grinders in the 1800s

I'm currently an Organ Grinder in New York City trying to put myself through college. I can't tell you how much this article is going to increase my profits! I've literally spent hours trying to figure out how to best parlay my Organ Grinding skills into bigger profits and had yet to find the answer until now. First thing tomorrow I'll be trading my ferret in for a monkey!! Sure, people found the ferret entertaining, but were generally repulsed by the stench (ferrets emit an odor that can be somewhat off-putting, to say the least). Lets face it though, a ferret ain't gonna learn to play the cymbols anytime soon. And seeing as I've been robbed eight times already, a monkey that can handle a firearm will be worth its weight in gold. I really think monkeys could be the next big thing in Organ Grinding! Wish me luck!
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