The ScooterDesk
"The utility of the ScooterDesk and the lighthearted way in which users toboggan around the office make it a delightful product to have around and one that helps to create a playful, group dynamic at the same time as facilitating collaboration and spontaneous group meetings."

I really think the ScooterDesk will keep workers in a better mood too. How can you not be in a good mood when you're sliding around the office all day in such a "lighthearted" way? I can see workers making a game of it and competitively racing around the office from time to time just to keep things light. The boss won't mind either because he or she will surely be racing around too. And when the boss needs someone to "tobaggan" down the hall to pick up some paperwork from accounting, workers will practically be fighting for that plumb job (in a "playful" way, of course). ScooterDesk is a product from the geniuses at UTILIA - they put the fun back in the office, where it belongs.
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