Just Hanging Around
When humans and chimps split - LiveScience - MSNBC.com

"A new study of genes in humans and chimpanzees pins down with greater accuracy when the two species split from one.
The evolutionary divergence occurred between 5 million and 7 million years ago, an estimate that improves on the previous range of 3 million to 13 million years in the past."
Between 5 and 7 million years?? Yeah, that about nails it down give or take a million years. Geez, I can do that good! In fact, I'm gonna go on record as saying humans and chimps split from one exactly 6,521,768 years ago. I challenge someone to prove me wrong.
On a sidenote, this monkey looks like Luke Skywalker in "The Empire Strikes Back" hanging on at Cloud City after fighting with Darth Vader...right down to the missing hand.
Another thought...this monkey is reprising the Gene Kelly role in a new production of the musical "Singin' in the Rainforest".
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