Enough With the iPod Already!
Levi Strauss debuts iPod-ready jeans - U.S. Business - MSNBC.com

"Call it the 21st Century watch pocket. Denim giant Levi Strauss said on Tuesday it had designed jeans compatible with the iPod music player, featuring a joystick in the watch pocket to operate the device."
First of all just let me say that there are about 1.3 million jokes I could make about jeans with a "joystick in the watch pocket", but I'm not gonna even bother with that. I would like to focus here on the devaluation of the watch pocket. You may recall that on Dec. 31st I posted that 2006 was gonna be the year of the watch pocket/pocket watch. For those of you who took the time to write and say that you support the idea, let me say that the plan is still a go. I'm currently shopping for the perfect pocket watch and this plan by the Levi Strauss company to go high tech with the watch pocket will not deter me from my goal of bringing the watch pocket back in style. If anything, this dumbing down of said pocket only strengthens my resolve to use this pocket as originally intended, thus preserving the of integrity of jeans. Levi Strauss must be turning over in his grave at this iPod-ready jeans idea. Tis truly a sad day for jeans.
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