I Hate Punks!

Here's an example of my hatred for punks taken fresh from the pages of my life. This one is but a day old. Yesterday my wife and I went for a bike ride. Now, before I get too far into this story, let me say that the combination of bike riding and punks has never been a good one for me. I seem to recall one warm summer evening some years ago in which a relaxing bike ride netted me the comment, "Get a ****ing car!", from an absolutely charming young lady. And oh how her punk friends laughed. You really should have been there. But I digress.
So the wife and I are out for a little exercise. We ride to the local elementary school, where we dismount our two-wheeled vehicles and proceed to the playing apparati to sit on the swings and talk. I know it sounds harmless enough, but we had no idea we were encroaching on land owned by punks. As we're minding our own businesses at the swingset, suddenly the din of pre-pubescent angst overtook our eardrums. There were four of them headed right for us. Two male punks and two female punks (one of which they must have purchased on the way because they were pushing her along in a shopping cart). My wife said, "Do you wanna leave?". I, of course am a man, therefore I have no sound judgement in these matters and I responded with "Why should we leave?". So we returned to our regularly scheduled conversation. But these punks had other plans for us.
When the quartet got to within 10 yards of us we suddenly heard (and felt) a loud "Clank!". The punk ringleader had thought it would be cool to jump off his bike and let it ride unmanned out of control right into the swingset we currently occupied. It didn't hit too close to us, just made a loud racket. I did what all men would do - I glared at the little jerk. They set to climbing onto some monkey bars while being extreme loudmouths (it's their m.o.), liberally peppering their topic of choice with a certain mono-syllabic curse word. It was becoming quite clear that they aimed to have this entire playground to themselves. It was at this point that I said, "Maybe we should just go." And then something ridiculously ridiculous happened.
As we're getting back onto our double unicycles, the ringleader yells, "Hey! Why are you leaving?!". When we didn't reply the tenacious little monkey yells it again, "Why are you leaving?!". At this point one of the punk girls asks him, "Who's leaving?". The punk leader responds, "Those old people are leaving". I kid you not. I guess when you're 12 anyone over 15 would be considered an old person, so that didn't bother us. It was more the nerve the kid had that surprised me. Have kids always been such idiots? I don't remember them being such uber-idiots when I was a kid. Maybe they were and I just didn't notice it. The real unfortunate thing is the kid caught me so off guard I didn't even have a snappy comeback. Of course, two minutes later when we had already left I thought of a great retort - "Don't worry about it, you little punk!". Oh well.
In summary:
Punk music - good
Punk kids - bad
Bike riding - usually a mixed bag.
sorry to pull up such an old post, but you are really quite good at writing stories. You have a knack for imagery, and you kept my attention. Please, do go on with more stories of the "little punks" :P
well it just depends on the person not because its a punk, there all gonna be that way, NOT TRUE, they were only imature girls!!
not some girls who dress and look like them you go ahead and ask them about PUNK MUSIC they will say "oh yeah like MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE" i mean really?? jesus!!!
they dont know what punk is!!!
See those punks suck they dont know the meaning. punk is a political/musical style of thinking. i have a mohawk and ripped jeans. but i dont run around startin fights. i wear it cus i like the way it looks. its not conforming to what society wants. not standin in the streets lookin like retards.
Haha you may like this
Haha you will love this!
Punk is all about going against society,the goverment,it's a way of life first of all.anarchy and peace is what I go for.idk y ppl hate punks, I mean IN A WAY SOME of us punx try to help other ppl out.this Christian dude said no I don't like punx cuz they worship the devil???and there big meanies.I was like really how do u know that.the Christian dude:cuz it's says on TV,I got pissed of I said dude it's called reality there not really like.that so go Fuck off
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