Mary, Your House Is Delicious!
Future Feeder & Archive & Sustainable House of the Future Runs on Spinach

"The winning entry to the Cradle to Cradle C2C Home Competition is an incredible single family dwelling by Matthew Coates and Tim Meldrum that goes right to the core fundamentals of the Cradle to Cradle principles. Not only does the building run a photosynthetic and phototropic skin made with spinach protein, but it also produces more energy than a single family's needs, allowing the excess to be distributed to neighbors. This radical shift, from centralized energy systems today, fosters community interdependence as neighbors benefit from the resources of others."
A few thoughts on this house. First of all, it's already bad enough that I have to cut the grass every week, but I sure don't want to have to worry about "picking the spinach" every few days. Also, gone would be the days where you could say to your kids, "Shut the door! Are you trying to heat the entire neighborhood?". Now their smart aleck answer would surely be, "Yes!". I personally wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction of being right. Not to mention the fact that I don't even like my neighbors and wouldn't want to share a cup of coffee with them, much less my energy resources. And believe me, I'm not knocking this house just because my collard green powered house came in second.
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