Happy New Year!

ESPN.com - MLB - Ex-pitcher Reardon charged with armed robbery
"Former major league pitcher Jeff Reardon was arrested Monday on charges he robbed a jewelry store."
"Santa Claus is going high-tech as more children and parents are able to reach the jolly old elf online.
"We can use this technology to our advantage and provide a much more believable experience for our kids," said Anne Gaskell, co-owner of SantaSpeaking.com."
gizmag Article: Accentures intelligent mirror
"February 14, 2005 Accenture Laboritories is working on an intelligent mirror that analyses your behavioural patterns and can show you what you'll look like in five years time. The mirror is designed as a health-aid to assist people in visualising the long term outcomes of their behaviour and modify their behaviour accordingly."
Studies question Mars water assumptions - Space.com - MSNBC.com
"The apparent discovery of ancient salty bodies of water on Mars by NASA's Opportunity rover last year is viewed as one of the most significant developments in planetary science.
But two new studies take a different view of the data.
Rather than abundant surface water over significant stretches of planet's history, as has been widely reported, Opportunity's observations might represent the results of a meteor impact or volcanic activity on an otherwise very dry world."
EBay cancels plans to auction pets - Other Pet News - MSNBC.com
"Internet auctioneer eBay Inc. canceled plans to allow pets to be sold on its Web site after receiving thousands of angry letters."
When humans and chimps split - LiveScience - MSNBC.com
"A new study of genes in humans and chimpanzees pins down with greater accuracy when the two species split from one.
The evolutionary divergence occurred between 5 million and 7 million years ago, an estimate that improves on the previous range of 3 million to 13 million years in the past."
Santa and me!
"A celebration of those magical, misty days of childhood, when all was right with the world and a visit to see Santa was the highlight of a young kid's year! For most children, a trip to meet Santa Claus at the local department store or shopping mall, was/is both exciting and maybe even a little bit (or lot) scary, too. I'll chronicle it all here; the joy and awe, as well as the pure, unabashed terror!"
Skydiver survives plunge, learns she's pregnant - U.S. Life - MSNBC.com
"Shayna Richardson was making her first solo skydiving jump when she had trouble with her parachutes and, while falling at about 50 mph, hit face first in a parking lot.
Although badly hurt, she survived -- and doctors treating her injuries discovered she was pregnant. Four surgeries and two months later, Richardson said she and the fetus are doing fine."
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More research urged on nanoparticle risk - Science - MSNBC.com
"Scientists manipulating matter at the molecular level have improved on hundreds of everyday products in recent years and are promising dramatic breakthroughs in medicine and other industries as billions of dollars a year are pumped into the nascent sector.
But relatively little is known about the potential health and environmental effects of the tiny particles -- just atoms wide and small enough to easily penetrate cells in lungs, brains and other organs."
James Joyce dirty letters
"1909. James Joyce lives in Trieste (Italy) with his family. End of October, he leaves alone for Dublin on a business trip, and stays there until the end of December. He makes a pact with his wife to write to each other erotic letters. The letters of his wife disappeared, but the ones he wrote were published in 1975, the "dirty" letters of Joyce to her wife."
thatvideosite.com :: Local news reporter gets tasered
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NASA seeks help from private rocketeers - The New Space Race - MSNBC.com
"With the space shuttles due to retire, NASA is looking for private companies interested in taking over the potentially lucrative business of flying cargo and crew to the international space station."
Arkansas man scales White House fence - U.S. Security - MSNBC.com
"A man from Arkansas scaled the fence surrounding the White House Sunday while President Bush was inside and was immediately captured by Secret Service officers."
Shuttle likely to fly without worrisome ramp - Space.com - MSNBC.com
"NASA is leaning toward flying its next space shuttle mission without the protective foam ramp that broke away from Discovery's external tank during its July return to flight, according to a spokesman for the U.S. space agency."
Product | Robustion Products Inc.
"Two former caretakers who refused to bare their breasts to a 300lb (136kg) sign language-speaking gorilla named Koko have settled a lawsuit against the Gorilla Foundation. Nancy Alperin and Kendra Keller said that they were dismissed after they refused to expose their bosoms and reported sanitary problems at Koko's home in Woodside, south of San Francisco. They were told that if they "did not indulge Koko's nipple fetish, their employment with the Gorilla Foundation would suffer", their claim alleged."